Email's most irritating words

1. At the end of the day
2. Fairly unique
3. I personally
4. At this moment in time
5. With all due respect
6. Absolutely
7. It's a nightmare
8. Shouldn't of
9. 24/7
10. It's not rocket science
11. Very unique (related to #3)
12. It's not brain surgery (related to #10)
13. Perfect (related to #6)
14. No problem
15. For sure
16. FYI
17. ASAP
18. To tell the truth
19. You have caught me away
20. No way
21. Out of the box
22. Ergonomically
23. My bad
24. Not to worry
25. No worries
26. In my humble opinion - IMHO
27. Dude!
28. Swell
29. Right on!
30. Yeah!
31. Pursuant
32. As per our discussion
33. Alright - not a word - use all right
34. Should of
35. With all due respect
36. KISS (Keep it simple stupid)
37. Hit (visit)
38. Distro (Distribution list)
Answer to the last blog's quiz: According to, what is the average size of an email?
1.) 25k
2.) 50k
3.) 75k
4.) 250k
5.) 500+k
The correct answer is number three, 75k.
Today's quiz: How many characters can typically be displayed in an email subject line?
a. 25 – 35 characters.
b. 25 – 35 words.
c. 50 – 75 characters.
d. 50 – 75 words.
e. none of the above
Answers will appear in the next blog.