How to Email Bad News - Via Netiquette IQ
Bad news isn't wine. It doesn't improve with age.
This blog and my book "Netiquette IQ - A Comprehensive Guide to Improve, Enhance and Add Power to Your Email" have very definitive advice on how to convey bad news in an email. Recently, I came across this excellent article by Shelly Bowen and I really wanted to share it with my readers as it verifies and very nicely adds to much of what I have stated. The one thing to take away from the blog is that to delay almost always makes the news seem worse but being proactive often makes the end result better. Her idea of starting with a solution is also a great thought.
Please enjoy the blog and may you never need to use the advice!
"Bad news isn't wine. It doesn't improve with age."
Please enjoy the blog and may you never need to use the advice!
"Bad news isn't wine. It doesn't improve with age."
-Colin Powell
Bad news isn't wine. It doesn't improve with age.
By Shelly Bowen published December 29, 2013
Bad News? How Your Email Content Can
Deliver It Tactfully - Look
on the bright side
Companies change direction. Leadership shifts.
People make mistakes. Sometimes a brand needs to communicate an uncomfortable
story to its audience… while not making it sound worse than it is.You might try
the straightforward approach:
CFO was fired; changes
Our customer service
department was not trained well.
We no longer carry
“ABC Brand.”
But those statements
sound so alarming. Scary even. Questions immediately pop up in your head — what
does this mean to me? Maybe I shouldn’t use you anymore? Worse, these
statements are what I call Eye-Stoppers. The eye stops there as someone thinks,
“Ok, thanks for letting me know. Moving on to something else now.” Or “Yeah,
I don’t really care or need more bad news.” Delete.
Start with the
solution, instead
Your email
content should start with the
solution to the issue. What you’re going to do about it gives people something
positive to consider and want to know more about. Then you can follow up with a
brief description of the event that led to the solution, and offer apologies
and discounts if warranted.
Another way to think about writing effective
email content for your consumers is to stop talking about yourself (“we did
bad, sorry”) and talk about what changes or benefits this turn-of-events
provides your reader.
New CFO lowers prices
New customer service
training leads to custom recommendations.
“XYZ Brand” is now
(Compare these to the
statements above.)Of course, this doesn’t work if the bad news is really truly
terrible, like someone died or was seriously injured. And for corporate
communications, a straightforward approach with a positive outcome may work
Email content writing
best practices
Here are some more targeted email writing and
design best practices for dealing with bad news (or any news, really) by email:
Headline: Pique curiosity, but use familiar, specific
words to make the reader comfortable.
Voice: Consider your audience members and how they’d
like to be spoken to by your brand in this situation.
Discount: If you have a discount or time-sensitive call
to action, get this benefit up top and in bold type. The rest of the news can
be quieter, in body copy.
Phone: Phone numbers build confidence, especially in
the face of bad news. People may not use them, but you seem accessible.
Links: Hyperlinked words leap from the page — scan
your linked words and see if they provide comfort, confidence, and guidance to
next steps.
Boxes: Boxed content often gets read first or is
lingered over. Box all of your positive benefits to the reader — the good
things they should remember.
of promotion: Examples often get
people thinking about what they need. Showing exact $$ off is much more
alluring than % off.
content: Show you care by
providing links to helpful information that is not “selling.”