Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Netiquette IQ Book Video - Email for Jobseekers, Students, Business, Marketing and Sales

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Many times I have mentioned my book," Netiquette IQ - A Comprehensive Guide to Improve, Enhance and Add Power to Your Email". I thought it might be a good time to show the book's trailer and a review from Kirkus. As the title of this book explicitly suggests, the book is for anyone using email. And there are nearly four billion of those in the world!

Much of the content of this blog is taken directly from the book and the notes I have in my authoring it.

It is my plan to continue to author a compendium of additional books to address specific areas of electronic communication including education, employment, business and others. Please feel free to visit the Amazon page for the book and view the table of contents.

I trust you will find topics which are ones that you might like more advice, information and ideas about.

By all means, please comment on any questions or particulars.



A Comprehensive Guide to Improve, Enhance and Add Power to Your Email
Babicki, Paul
CreateSpace (264 pp.)
$18.95 paperback
ISBN: 978-1481849524; September 14, 2013


A revealing primer on the art of effective emails and other communications. Babicki, in his debut self-help guide, covers the many peculiarities of computerized messaging: How to shape an eye-catching subject line; how to troubleshoot error messages from a returned email; what the file-extension suffixes on attachments mean; what the email time stamp tells others about your personality (night owl vs. early riser); and how to craft a corporate email security policy. His advice on these sometimes-arcane topics is precise—“RTF format should only be used when it is certain that the recipient uses Outlook”—while also remaining intelligible to laypeople. The author also instructs readers on time-honored principles of proper English and clear expression. He delves with detailed lucidity into rules of grammar, punctuation and usage; prescribes the proper formatting of numbers and dates; and inveighs against the dangling participle. 

He also explores the tonal shadings of different kinds of salutations, crusades for
concise and gracious style, warns against the gassy redundancy of such wordings as “final outcome” and “at an early
time,” and appends a blacklist of “the most irritating phrases,” from “out of the box” to “team player.” Good writing
grows from good thinking, so he instructs readers on the pitfalls of logical fallacies, from the ad hominem attack to the begged question, and on the distinctions between assumption, presumption and inference. Furthermore, since
communication is the cornerstone of civilized life, he limns its legal and moral underpinnings in copyright and
plagiarism strictures, codes of courteous Internet deportment and techniques for pacifying flame wars. (He recommends a “Zen” approach, for example, in replying to angry missives.) The result is a mashup of Strunk and White, Miss Manners, Aristotle and Microsoft Help, all laid out in a well-organized, very readable text sprinkled with amusing examples and phrased in the tart, aphoristic style of an exacting schoolmaster (“The better it sounds, the more it is trusted”). Overall, Babicki’s technical expertise and literary aplomb make this a fine manual for the everyday scribe.

A comprehensive, stimulating guide to getting the word out.